15 Ağustos 2007 Çarşamba

Genel Tıp Genel Saglık

Streptococcus pneumoniae bakterisi, zatürrenin yaygın nedenlerinden biridir.
Streptococcus pneumoniae bakterisi, zatürrenin yaygın nedenlerinden biridir.

Hastalık, beden veya zihinde meydana gelen, rahatsızlık, dert ve görev bozukluğuna yol açan belirli bir anormal duruma verilen isimdir. Bazen terim yaralanma, sakatlık, sendrom, semptom ve normal yapı ve fonksiyonun anormal çeşitlerini kapsayacak biçimde, geniş bir anlamda, kullanılır. Fakat farklı bağlamlarda bu kavramlar farklı kategorilere girerler ve hastalık kavramı bunların yerine kullanılamaz.

TDK tanımına göre "hastalık"; "Organizmada birtakım değişikliklerin ortaya çıkmasıyla sağlığın bozulması durumu, rahatsızlık, çor, dert, sayrılık, illet, maraz, maraza, esenlik karşıtı"dır.[1]

Hastalıkları inceleyen bilim dalı patolojidir. Hastalıkların sistematik sınıflandırmasını konu edinen bilim dalı ise nozolojidir. İnsan hastalıkları ve bunların tedavisiyle ilgilenen daha geniş bir alanı kapsayan bilim dalı ise tıptır. Birçok benzer (hatta bazı aynı) durum ve süreçler hayvanları da etkilemektedir; hayvanları etkileyen hastalıkları inceleyen bilim dalı veterinerliktir. Hayvanlar ve insanlar dışında, her organizma gibi, bitkiler de çeşitli süreç ve durumlardan etkilenip zarar görebilirler; enfeksiyon, besin yetersizliği veya zararlı mutasyonlar gibi. Bitkileri etkileyen hastalıkları inceleyen bilim dalı bitki patolojisidir.

Hastalığın İletimi - Bulaşıcılığı ve Epidemiyoloji

Bazı hastalıklar, bulaşıcıdır ve çeşitli mekanizmalar sayesinde iletilebilir , - bulaşabilirler;örneğin grip, öksürüklerden çıkan küçük damlacıklar, böcek veya diğer vektörlerin ısırıkları veya hastalığı taşıyan kirli su veya yiyecekler gibi.

Diğer hastalıklarsa, kanser ve kalp hastalığı gibi, mikroorganizmaların herhangi bir rolü olsa dahi bir enfeksiyon nedeniyle oluşmadıklarından, bulaşıcı değillerdir.

Epidemiyoloji [değiştir]

Epidemiyoloji, hastalıkların yayılışını ve salgın hastalıkları inceleyen, hastalıkların yayılmasını etkileyen çeşitli faktörleri saptayan tıp dalıdır. Ayrıca, epidemiyologlar hastalıkların yayılmasını kontrol altına alacak ve önleyecek metodlar geliştirmeye çalışırlar. Epidemiyolojik çalışmalar sonucu hastalıklar yayılımlarına göre endemik, epidemik veya pandemik olarak tanımlanabilir.

Endemik, bir nüfus (popülasyon) içinde her zaman var olan bir hastalığı tanımlar. Epidemik hızla, aniden ve beklenmedik bir şekilde yayılan ve birçok insanı etkileyen bir hastalık olarak tanımlanabilir. Fakat terim, daha önceden tahmin edilebilecek artışları kapsamaz; örneğin kışları grip vakalarının artışı epidemik olarak tanımlanmaz. Pandemik ise çok büyük alanlarda, bir kıta veya tüm dünya gibi, büyük sayıda insanı etkileyen hastalıkları tanımlar.

Terimin Farklı Kullanımları

Biyolojide, hastalık sözcüğü bir organizmanın işleyişine, görevine zarar veren her türlü anormal durumu tanımlamak için kullanılır.

Bugün hastalık sözcüğü mecazi olarak, herhangi bir şeyin düzensiz, işlevsiz veya sıkıntılı durumlarını belirtmek için kullanılır; "toplumun hastalığı" gibi. Ayrıca, Türkçe'de yine mecazi şekilde, hastalık sözcüğü "aşırı düşkünlük ve tutku" anlamında da kullanılır; "Temizlik hastalığı." gibi.

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Kadın Hastalıkları

Gene therapy improves immune function in older children with SCID

Researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and their colleagues studied three youth (ages 10, 11 and 14 years) who had X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), in which there is little or no immune system function. The youth received gene therapy, similar to that used in younger children with SCID, to see if it would help improve their immune systems. Improvement was seen in the youngest child. The research shows that it is possible for gene therapy to improve immune function in older children with SCID. The research was published in the July 1, 2007, issue of Blood.

Chinen, Javier, Joie Davis, Suk See De Ravin, Beverly N. Hay, Amy P. Hsu, Gilda F. Linton, Nora Naumann, Effie Y. H. Nomicos, Christopher Silvin, Jean Ulrick, Narda L. Whiting-Theobald, Harry L. Malech, & Jennifer M. Puck. "Gene therapy improves immune function in preadolescents with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency." Blood 110(2007): 67-73.


In this disorder, an enzyme (alpha-fucosidase) is missing in the body. Without it, the body can't finish breaking down certain sugar, fat, and protein molecules into their useful parts. The partially-broken-down molecules build up in cells throughout the body and damage them. This causes many types of symptoms.
Sunday August 12, 2007

FACES to FACES 2007 Encephalitis Conference August 17-19

The FACES to FACES 2007 Encephalitis Conference will be held August 17 to 19 in Nashville, Tennessee. FACES (Friends And Caregivers Encephalitis Survivors) welcomes anyone who has been touched by encephalitis including survivors, caregivers, family members and friends. Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain, often caused by a virus. The Conference provides education and support to those coping with encephalitis and is active in raising awareness of this serious disease and the daily struggles that survivors and their families face.

August is Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month in U.S.

Families of Spinal Muscular AtrophySpinal muscular atrophy is a group of inherited disorders that destroys the nerves controlling voluntary muscle movement. There is no cure, but organizations such as Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy and the International Alliance for Spinal Muscular Atrophy are working to advance research about the disorder.

Einsenmenger Syndrome

Ventricular septal defect may be present in Eisenmenger syndromeEisenmenger syndrome develops in individuals with significant heart defects. In Eisenmenger syndrome, blood pressure increases in the lungs (called pulmonary hypertension). Usually, the syndrome develops while individuals with heart defects are still children, but it may occur in adolescence or young adulthood.

Team identifies gene variant associated with sporadic ALS

ALS attacks the nerve cells (motor neurons) that control musclesAmyotrophic laterals sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease) is either inherited (about 5 percent of cases) or occurs in a person with no family history of the disease (sporadic form). A team of researchers from various institutions, supported by a grant from the Muscular Dystrophy Association, did genetic analyses of 386 white patients with sporadic ALS and 542 neurologically normal white study participants. The researchers found 10 genetic sites that were associated with sporadic ALS, the most significant being one near a gene known as FLJ10986. The protein produced by this gene was found in the spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid of both individuals with ALS and those who did not have it. The research provides new insights into the genetics of sporadic ALS and suggests that there is no single gene responsible for it. The research was published in The New England Journal of Medicine online August 1, 2007, and in print in the August 23, 2007, issue.

Dunckley, Travis, Matthew J. Huentelman, David W. Craig, et al. "Whole-Genome Analysis of Sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis." The New England Journal of Medicine ePub (2007).

U.S. FDA OOPD clinical trials grants available

The U.S. FDA has grants available for clinical trialsThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Office of Orphan Products Development (OOPD) is pleased to announce the availability of funds for fiscal year (FY) 2009 and FY 2010 grant awards to support clinical trials on the safety and effectiveness of products for rare diseases and conditions. The products studied can be drugs, biologics, medical devices, or medical foods. For FY 2009, the application receipt date is February 6, 2008, and for FY 2010, the application receipt date is February 4, 2009. A complete text of the FDA request for applications (RFA) is available on the OOPD Web site.

National Minority Donor Awareness Day August 1

Stem cells can be filtered out of the blood for donationAugust 1, 2007, is National Minority Donor Awareness Day in the United States. One type of tissue donation a person can make is bone marrow stem cells for a bone marrow transplant. Do you know what's involved in a bone marrow transplant? Do you know why a minority person needing a transplant might have a hard time finding a donor? Would you consider becoming a donor?

122 cases of West Nile virus in U.S., 3 deaths

West Nile virus is spread by infected mosquitoesAccording to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the 2007 West Nile virus season has already seen reports of 122 human infections, leading to 3 deaths. States reporting infections include Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming. The number of infections this year is nearly four times that of 2006, says the CDC, although it's hard to predict how the rest of the season will be.

Children with Tourette's fast in certain language tasks

Children with Tourette syndrome have quicker grammar skills than their friendsNeuroscientists at Georgetown University Medical Center and the Kennedy Krieger Institute decided to study different aspects of language as a way to increase understanding of Tourette syndrome, a neurological disorder. They found that children with Tourette's are much quicker at processing certain mental grammar skills than are children without the disorder. The researchers suggest in their article, published in the July 2007 Neuropsychologia, that the brain abnormalities in Tourette syndrome may lead not only to tics, but also to a wider range of rapid behaviors that have not yet been discovered.

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